Basement Egress Escape Steps

Hana Basement Egress Escape Steps

Hana Basement Egress Escape Steps



Hana Basement Egress Escape Steps

We have developed a system for Basement Egress Escape Steps.  To be able to escape from a burning basement you need to reach the egress window will with your knew so that you can escape safely.  Everyone including young children should be able to reach safety.

Most of the basement egress windows in Canada are installed with the window sill at least 48″ above the foundation so the freezing cold of winter will not reach the foundation and damage it by crumpling and cracking it.  At those heights the window will is generally not possible to reach safely.

The by-law requires a three step system that is affixed to the wall so that the top is “three foot minus an inch” or 35″ from the basement floor.

One of the problems that people face is a shortage of space in the basement, especially if the egress window is in a bedroom.  The space that steps take is a waste of usable square footage.

Our Hana Basement Egress Escape Steps solve all of these problems by providing a safe system to allow anyone to escape from a burning basement while still providing functional storage that blends in with any decor.  This combination results in saving space by not needing extra storage and above all, keeping you safe.

Our Hana Basement Egress Escape Steps can be painted or stained to complement any room and can carry over 400 lbs, making it as strong as it is useful.  Its cubbies are a storage space for any items that are in the room such as books, toys, ornaments, etc…

Our Hana Basement Egress Escape Steps should be affixed to the wall with the supplied metal elbows and screws at the studs.  The location of the top step should be right at the centre of the egress window.

Hana Basement Egress Escape Steps

Hana Basement Egress Escape Steps

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